ERP System, IIT Kharagpur

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Welcome Freshers

  • Registration Instruction (All) | Guideline(UG) | FAQ(UG)
  • Admission ERP Procedure | UG | PG (incl. JAM) | RS | PREP | Freshers Induction Program
  • Payment Instruction for semester fees payment
  • Interest subvention Interest subvention on Education Loan for Students' of IITs
  • Central Timetable: 2024-2025 AUTUMN | 2024-2025 SPRING
  • Medical Leave for Students Guide
  • PGDBA Curriculum
  • Directive to all students regarding registration, payment and other technical problems

    For registration related problems, mail to with a copy to

    For online payment related problem, mail to with a copy to

    Directive to all students regarding addressing their academic problems regarding registration/grades and any other academic issues

    Students are advised that their faculty advisors, Heads, Departmental ERP Representatives are their primary and sole point of contact for addressing any and all academic issue as they know best what is good for the student. The faculty advisors/Heads/ERP representative have been provided all handles to address any student issue If department/centre/school has failed to resolve any issue, the students are directed to request their faculty advisor (through e-mail) to send a mail to with a copy to outlining the problem in details so that the issue can be addressed. If required the student shall be called to ERP at Integrated Information Systems building, 1st floor (Opposite to Department of Chemical Engineering) using the contact number in student's profile page. Walk-in access to ERP at IIS is severely restricted and student's queries will be entertained henceforth only as stated above.

    Institute Email-id notice for the students of Autumn 2020-2021 Semester

    Please click here for details